That’s so awesome congrats to you both…!
You deserve the honor you get and very much thank you to the one who gave him a forever home.
Love and blessings to them both!!
This story happened in 2014, but it is a timeless tale and a beautiful story of how one man [fo.ught] to give a dog a much-deserved chance to have a forever home.
A dog would not hesitate to save the life of his human, but often, dogs are [neg.lec.ted or le.ft] in shelters when humans get [] of them.
Every dog deserves to have a happy home and a loving family.

He said: She saved my life. That’s why I’m here. I owed it to her, and that’s why I [fo.ught] so hard to adopt her, even when people were saying she’s too [ag.gres.sive]. They deserve good homes.

And McDonald was right. As soon as he brought the dog home, Layka immediately approached his then one-year-old son and showed a tender behavior, contrary to what others warned him about.
You are so brave, thank you for protecting a cherished soldier.

God Bless you for your service to our country and for bringing this beautiful new member to your home!!
Watch the video below to learn more about Layka and Staff Sgt:
So glad this brave dog is with someone who truly appreciates what he went through. Like many times over.
SHARE this Precious story with your friends and family!
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