My MIL Demanded $500 For Babysitting and Cleaning – I Got a Lesson for Her Instead

Some people might not believe my crazy story, but it really happened! My mother-in-law tried manipulating my wife by wanting payment for babysitting and “cleaning,” only to end up feeling my wrath! Buckle up because this one is going to be a bumpy ride!

A middle-aged woman celebrating while holding money in one hand | Source: Freepik

A middle-aged woman celebrating while holding money in one hand | Source: Freepik

For my wife’s 40th, a getaway was planned, a much-needed respite since our world was blessed with our son four years ago. I wanted to celebrate the love of my life with a five-day vacation that would just be the two of us!

It was pretty warranted since my wife and I hadn’t gone out alone together anywhere since our son’s birth. We were so excited about the trip that we planned it months ago! My mother-in-law (MIL), with her time freely hers, seemed the perfect candidate to bridge our absence.

A middle-aged woman using a tablet in her free time | Source: Pexels

A middle-aged woman using a tablet in her free time | Source: Pexels

So we asked her if she would be willing to come over and babysit our baby boy in our home. The trip to our place would take her a three-hour drive, but we’d catered for her gas, food, and entertainment within our budget.

Surprisingly, she agreed right away without any demands! “Of course, I’d love to come spend some quality time with my grandson!”

“You two go right ahead and secure your getaway plans, and I’ll take care of everything in the house while you’re gone,” she generously offered. Who would say no to that!? Not US!!

A younger woman kissing an older one goodbye | Source: Pixabay

A younger woman kissing an older one goodbye | Source: Pixabay

My MIL arrived two days before our departure to get acquainted with the house and for our son to start getting comfortable in her presence. We didn’t want her struggling to find basic things, or Eddie freaking out when he’s suddenly left alone with his grandmother, although he knew exactly who she is.

A few days into our romantic escape, my wife dialed her mother, a routine check to ensure that she was still comfortable during her stay. “All is well,” she said, as she turned the phone to show us our son playing happily in the living room.

We thought we’d hit the jackpot when it came to my MIL coming through for us the way she did. But boy, were we in for a surprise!

A woman playing with a little boy | Source: Pexels

A woman playing with a little boy | Source: Pexels

Closer to the end of our vacation, when my wife called to check in, her mother surprised us by suddenly demanding payment. This request, out of the blue, left us in a whirlwind of disbelief.

My wife, caught in the eye of this unexpected storm, managed a feeble agreement. Yet, as she relayed the conversation, my frustration bubbled over.

“This is outright manipulation! She’s cornering us because she knows we’re desperate,” I argued vehemently.

My wife, ever the peacemaker, suggested, “Perhaps there’s more to her request. Maybe, it’s a cry for help?”

An upset couple seated on a bed | Source: Pexels

An upset couple seated on a bed | Source: Pexels

Not wanting to spoil the rest of our time away, we brushed off my MIL’s request, thinking she was just messing with us, and made the most of our vacation. While we thought my MIL had blindsided us with a request for payment in the middle of babysitting, we had no idea what she had in mind for our return!

When we returned, our son was happy to see us, and so were we! “Daddy, Mommy!” he screamed with glee when he saw us walk through the door. “Hey, buddy!” I replied, picking him up and swinging him in the air.

A man holding a small boy in his arms | Source: Pexels

A man holding a small boy in his arms | Source: Pexels

I must admit, my wife and I enjoyed our vacation to the fullest and look forward to planning our next one, but seeing my little look-a-like was worth coming home to!

My MIL hugged and greeted us with her bags packed and ready to go. We accompanied her to her car, and she prepared to drive off without saying anything further about wanting to be paid. “I did a bit of cleaning,” my MIL announced proudly, unaware of the storm she’d just invited.

A woman applying lip balm using her car's rear mirror | Source: Pexels

A woman applying lip balm using her car’s rear mirror | Source: Pexels

But then, we noticed the note from her on our bedroom’s bathroom mirror that read:

“Babysitting – $300

Cleaning – $200

Finally, I threw away all your junk! Don’t thank me, just pay.”

An unimpressed man reacting to a note | Source: Freepik

An unimpressed man reacting to a note | Source: Freepik

My wife and I exchanged glances, and I immediately rushed to the book display in the corner of our bedroom! By “junk,” my wife’s mother was referring to my pristine and still-covered collection of scientific magazines.

When I found out what she had discarded, I was furious! These were my magazines that were old, rare, and valuable vessels of knowledge that were irreplaceable. I couldn’t believe my MIL was expecting us to pay her for doing something no one asked her to do!

A stack of magazines and books | Source: Pixabay

A stack of magazines and books | Source: Pixabay

I was so livid that I ran back outside and flagged her down just as she was driving off. Facing her, I couldn’t mask my fury.

“The only person who should pay is you. Each magazine you threw away was worth $300. So, you are welcome to send us the money,” I demanded, my voice laced with a barely restrained ire. “We will not be paying you a cent!”

Her reaction was one of shock, then defiance as she refused to compensate me for the massive loss. “You can’t possibly expect me to pay for throwing away some old magazines!” she retorted, disbelief etched into every word.

My wife just stood by me saying nothing before going back inside with little Eddie in tow.

A woman walking with a boy | Source: Pexels

A woman walking with a boy | Source: Pexels

What had begun as a great reunion ended on the worst note, messing up all the great memories and joy my wife and I had experienced while away. This deadlock, fueled by pride and pain, spiraled into months of silence, a chasm that seemed insurmountable.

A frustrated man standing against a wall while a woman looks at him | Source: Pexels

A frustrated man standing against a wall while a woman looks at him | Source: Pexels

During that time, my MIL only spoke to Eddie over the phone a handful of times, but she didn’t dare mention seeing him.

Time, however, has a way of mending the deepest of rifts. “I… I didn’t realize what I’d done. I’m sorry,” MIL’s voice, once brimming with defiance, now carried a weight of genuine remorse. Her apology, though delayed, was a balm to the festering wound between us.

A remorseful-looking woman | Source: Pixabay

A remorseful-looking woman | Source: Pixabay

“I know I overstepped and disregarded how you felt, my son – words she used when she wanted to butter me up – but I promise to make amends for the loss you suffered.”

This saga, while tumultuous, taught us valuable lessons on the essence of family, the art of communication, and the grace of forgiveness. The debacle over babysitting fees faded into insignificance against the backdrop of our strained bonds.

“It’s not about the money,” I found myself admitting, “It’s about understanding, respect, and ultimately, healing.”

A man and woman not getting along | Source: Freepik

A man and woman not getting along | Source: Freepik

As peace tentatively rekindled among us, the realization dawned; some debts are beyond monetary measure, demanding instead a currency of empathy, patience, and open hearts. The journey to reconciliation underscored a profound truth: amidst the complexities of familial ties, lies the potential for profound growth, understanding, and love.

A happy woman smiling | Source: Pexels

A happy woman smiling | Source: Pexels

If that story had your blood boiling, better get ready for another one that’s going to be hard to swallow!:

Imagine this: you’ve just moved into your dream home with your partner, who, due to work commitments, is away a lot. So, your MIL, who’s quite the character, offers to help you decorate. You think, “Why not?” It’s going smoothly until you come home one day to find a wall in your living room has turned into a shrine of your husband’s life milestones.

A woman looking outside a window | Source: Pexels

A woman looking outside a window | Source: Pexels

But wait, it gets better (or worse, depending on how you look at it). Smack in the middle of this memory lane is a photo from his first wedding. Yes, you read that right, a photo of him with his ex-wife, courtesy of your MIL, who, by the way, is a big fan of the ex!

A wedding day photo album | Source: Freepik

A wedding day photo album | Source: Freepik

You, being the reasonable person you are, say, “This needs to go.” But MIL digs her heels in, championing the importance of preserving history. Things escalate, and before you know it, you’re banning MIL from the house after she leaves in a huff, accusing you of all sorts of things via text.

An older woman talking to a frustrated younger one | Source: Freepik

An older woman talking to a frustrated younger one | Source: Freepik

Your partner, trying to play peacemaker, thinks you might have gone a bit too far with the whole banishing act. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is calling for you to wave the white flag and make amends. So, in a quest for some backup or advice, you turn to Reddit, laying out your saga to see if the internet is on your side.

A couple disagreeing | Source: Pexels

A couple disagreeing | Source: Pexels

What a story, right? It’s got drama, conflict, and a touch of comedy, all wrapped up in the quest for domestic bliss. What will happen next? Will peace be restored, or is this just the beginning of a family feud? Head on over to the full article for all the juicy details and more!

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