Very pleased to see these two Beluga Whales being set free, and how happy this one looks with a big smile.
After almost a decade in cap.ti.vity, two beluga whales finally got the chance to taste freedom…!
It was a big day for Little Grey and Little White, who barely kept their excitement when the rescue team relocated them.
The beluga pair spent nine years at the Ocean World in Shanghai, China where they have been forced to perform as show animals in exchange for treats. The majestic creatures have been brought here back in 2011 from a Russian research centre and since then the lived away from the ocean.
That’s amazing. what beautiful smile he have.

Now, thanks to the efforts of the Sea Life Trust – a UK-based charity, the lovely mammals got the chance to taste freedom once again. They have been relocated 6,000 miles away, in Iceland, to the world’s first beluga sanctuary. After nearly a decade, the two belugas will now get the chance to freely swim in open ocean.
After a very long journey by plane, Little Grey and Little White have both arrived safely in their new home.
They will now start an accommodation period to acclimatise to their new natural environment, before their final release into the wider sanctuary in Klettsvik Bay, Iceland.
Absolutely wonderful

Fantastic work by everyone involved. The rescuers are to be praised! !!
After being in [cap.ti.vity] for 20 years, they wouldn’t know how to survive in the wild, a sanctuary is the best place for them, happy they made it there
He looks happy – wish him health long life
Watch the great video below:
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