Good thing they didn’t jump into the boat!
The best game of peek a boo I’ve ever seen…. how
A group of whale watchers hoped for a one-in-a-lifetime sight, but only to get epically played by the massive whale they were all waiting to capture on camera.

The hilarious moment was caught on tape by director and photographer, Eric J Smith and it now went viral!
The group was offshore Baja California in Mexico, waiting for a lifetime opportunity, but they were all looking the wrong way while the whale popped up its head behind them.

The animal lovers got lucky, as they turned their heads just in time to grab some adorable snaps with the magnificent creature.
Photographer Eric Smith, who witnessed the whole scene could not believe his eyes what he was seeing: She slowly and silently stuck her head high above the water to look around.

When everyone turned around, she quickly sank below the surface.
Cheering and hysterical laughter ensued.
They didn’t hear it as it was coming out of the water, or feel the water shift…!

Such a beautiful view from your front porch!!

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